Restaurant Owner Audited – Triggered by Tip Report

Because restaurants deal in cash and tips, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has devised systems to enforce tax compliance by requiring employers bear the ultimate burden for Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) taxes owed by employees under reporting the tips they receive. It does this by requiring restaurant to file...

What a Tax Attorney Can Do for You: Understand How Apple, Inc. Legally Does Not Pay Income Tax

When Apple Inc., disclosed that it has not paid any corporate income tax over the past 4 years, it got the government’s attention. Hailed before the Senate, Apple is confident in their tax position because it is legal. Essentially, Apple games the system by aggressively manipulating the Internal Revenue Code...

IRS to target “quiet” offshore tax disclosures in light of new report

Given the aggressive public overtures that Internal Revenue Service (IRS) officials have made regarding offshore bank accounts and tax evasion in the last five years, many taxpayers took advantage of the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program offered by the Internal Revenue Service. However, a report issued by the GAO (Government Accounting...

Collection Due Process Hearings: Is it A Second Chance for Taxpayers to Litigate a Matter Previously Missed?

Introduction It happens all the time. Taxpayers are assessed tax liabilities by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To make matters worse for many taxpayers, they fail to timely petition the United States Court to contest the assessment. In many cases, had such a taxpayer timely petitioned the United States Tax...