Tax Court Allows Rental Loss Deduction to Architect Who Qualified as Real Estate Professional

Investors are limited in their ability to offset income with passive losses, and even real estate investors who “actively participate” in their rentals (through management, capital improvements, selection of tenants, negotiation of leases, etc.) have a maximum $25,000 offset. However, 26 U.S. Code § 469(c)(7) provides special rules for real...

Acquisition Indebtedness and Home Equity Indebtedness (Voss vs. Commissioner in the Ninth Circuit)

Other Posts in this Series Part I: The Personal Mortgage Interest Deduction Part II: Acquisition Indebtedness and Home Equity Indebtedness (Voss vs. Commissioner in the Tax Court) In Part II, we provided the backdrop to the Voss vs. Commissioner case, and the Tax Court's reasoning why the mortgage interest limitations...

Acquisition Indebtedness and Home Equity Indebtedness (Voss vs. Commissioner in the Tax Court)

Other Posts in this Series Part I: The Personal Mortgage Interest Deduction Part III: Acquisition Indebtedness and Home Equity Indebtedness (Voss vs. Commissioner in the Ninth Circuit) In Part I, we described the requirements for a mortgage interest deduction under IRC 163(h)(3).  We noted that only the first $1.1 million...

Mortgage Interest Limitations under IRC §163(h)(3) Part I: The Personal Mortgage Interest Deduction

Other Posts in this Series Part II: Acquisition Indebtedness and Home Equity Indebtedness (Voss vs. Commissioner in the Tax Court) Part III: Acquisition Indebtedness and Home Equity Indebtedness (Voss vs. Commissioner in the Ninth Circuit) The ability to deduct the interest on a mortgage is one of the most commonly...

Special Issue: 2014 Tax Planning Roundup

What's Inside Planning: Year-End Investment Tax Planning Year-End Charitable Tax Planning Year-End Family Tax Planning Year-End Retirement Tax Planning Year-End Estate Tax Planning Year-End Business Tax Planning Tax Calendar Dear Client, Colleague, or Tax Enthusiast, Having just finished the extended 2013 tax filing season, we are aware of the very...