Offshore Initiative – Another NPA reached: DOJ 23.8 million settlement with Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB-Vaduz)

On July 29, the United States Justice Department (DOJ) announced in a press release that it had reached a $23.8 million settlement with Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB-Vaduz), halting its criminal investigation of the bank in aiding US citizen's in evading their U.S. tax obligations.   As part of the investigation, the...

Santa Clara County man pleads guilty to hiding Israeli bank account

On July 17, the U.S. Justice Department announced in a press release that Moshe Handelsman of Saratoga, California, plead guilty to tax perjury. This case is the latest in a series involving un-reported foreign bank accounts and Israeli banks under scrutiny by the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS)...

U.S. Government to Use the Treasury Department to Identify Individuals Owning Foreign Assets

At the G8 meeting in Ireland, the White House announced it's intent to facilitate international tax and business arrangement transparency by promising a plan to assist law enforcement and tax authorities in identifying those who own and control entities outside of the United States. We have been reporting on the...

Math Errors on Tax Returns

Despite the fact that a growing number of U.S. taxpayers are submitting their tax returns electronically - a method that, in theory, should promote accuracy by automatically tallying totals - The Associated Press recently revealed that mathematical errors may be on the rise.   The A.P. reports that 2.7 million miscalculations...